Climate Risk and Resilience Assessments
The need to consider climate risks and adaptive capacity is becoming more accepted as best practice in the management of existing infrastructure assets and in the design of new infrastructure. For example, to be eligible to receive government funding for public infrastructure projects through Infrastructure Canada, proponents are expected to assess design and construction through a Climate Lens. These assessments include demonstrating how greenhouse gas emissions and the physical risks from climate change are being addressed, and what mitigation and resiliency measures are under consideration in the design and construction of new public infrastructure projects. Many municipalities are also requiring similar embodied carbon assessments for planned development projects.

Matrix has considerable experience in completing climate risk assessments for our clients, as part of the Climate Lens process or simply as good business practice
Depending on your needs, we can conduct these assessments ourselves, or in partnership with firms and subject matter experts that match your specific engineering requirements. Our approach uses best practices in risk assessment and management frameworks, using accepted standards, methods, and tools (e.g., ISO 31000, ISO 14091, PIEVC Protocol, PIEVC High Level Screening Guidance, ENVISION, and ICLEI BARc), while considering future projections of climate conditions.