Oil & Gas
Our roots run deep in the oil and gas industry. We deliver services in the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors including oil sands and both conventional and unconventional oil and gas resource developments. Our advantage is our local office network, established close to where you conduct your business. With our scientists, engineers, and technicians close at hand, we will respond to your projects quickly, saving you time and money.
Regardless of project scope or size, our oil and gas services cover all phases of your project lifecycle. Our expertise includes permitting, regulatory approvals, environmental impact assessments, construction monitoring, environmental monitoring, compliance monitoring for air, soil, and water, compliance assurance and auditing, water resourcing and management, hydrotechnical engineering, remediation and reclamation, liability evaluation and reduction, GIS, and information management.
Learn more about the services and solutions we provide to our Oil & Gas clients

Learn more about the services and solutions we provide to our Oil & Gas clients