Global energy demand is growing and demand for renewable sources is increasing along with it. Matrix helps renewable energy clients develop and gain regulatory approvals for new wind, solar, pumped storage and run-of-river power generation facilities. Our staged approach to environmental assessments provides our clients with valuable information early in the facilities development process. Clients gain early estimates of buildable area and critical insight into potential regulatory or stakeholder environmental concerns.
For run-of-river and pumped storage projects, Matrix offers a broad range of river engineering capabilities – such as flood inundation mapping, riverbank erosion mitigations and fish studies – to support the regulatory approvals required for these types of projects.
For operating wind and solar facilities, Matrix can assist with ongoing bat and bird mortality monitoring and mitigation strategies.
Air emissions are a key regulatory approval aspect for any new gas fired generation facility. Matrix supports clients through the Alberta Utilities Commission and Alberta Environment & Protected Areas approval processes to develop natural gas fired power generation and co-generation facilities. Matrix’s experienced team can develop air dispersion models and maps for your facility, and complete wildlife and vegetation field surveys, soil and wetland assessments, surface water/runoff management plans and historical resources reviews to complete the environmental evaluation.

Siting a new transmission line right-of-way through any landscape is a challenge and whether it’s downtown Toronto or Northern Alberta, it’s a challenge Matrix is well-equipped to handle.
Our multidisciplinary team will assess the environmental features found along proposed transmission line routes, and provide environmental assessment reports and right of way alignment sheets to enable regulatory approvals and support stakeholder consultation and construction.
During transmission system operations, Matrix has industry leading expertise when it comes to developing soil management plans for substation work or wood pole removals, and powerline right-of-way and substation reclamation.
Learn more about the services and solutions we provide to our Power Sector clients

Learn more about the services and solutions we provide to our Power Sector clients