Excess Soil Management for Transit Construction Projects



Canadian infrastructure and development projects require excess soil to be managed safely and in ways that promote beneficial reuse of valuable resources, reduce clean soil being sent to landfills, and mitigate environmental impacts. Our team is proud to be supporting several transformative transit infrastructure construction projects that will benefit Toronto for generations to come. Recent project examples include:

Ontario Line – Southern Civil, Stations and Tunnel Project – a 15.6 km subway line through downtown Toronto as part of the Ontario line

Elevated Guideway – a 1.5 km elevated guideway crossing over the Humber River Valley

Scarborough Transit Connect – a 7.8 km subway extension of TTC Line 2 into Scarborough


As a leader of excess soil management in Ontario, Matrix provides excess soil solutions to a wide range of infrastructure and land development projects in compliance with Ontario Regulation 406/19.  Matrix works with construction teams to characterize environmental soil quality, prepare regulatory planning technical documents, inform beneficial reuse of soil, and manage excess soil sustainably and cost-effectively.


Matrix’s team of field scientists, intermediate project coordinators, and senior soil management experts work closely with our clients to solve their excess soil management challenges. This often includes advance planning to understand project construction challenges, identify potential site contamination, and characterize environmental soil quality. Our team has experience responding rapidly to unexpected contamination discoveries and providing efficient environmental soil management solutions.


  • Planning excess soil management in advance of construction is the key to fulfilling regulatory requirements, while also reducing soil management costs.

  • Matrix’s project team includes excess soil management qualified persons (QPs) that can identify areas to improve soil management efficiencies, including maximizing beneficial reuse of soil and reducing overall soil management costs.

  • Matrix’s 3D RaVE soil management modelling tool allows our technical experts to present 3D models of soil quality, generate excavation plans, and provide real-time/advance tracking of excavation progress.

Learn about some of the interesting projects Matrix’s team of environmental consultants and engineers get to be a part of.

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