Matrix and Muscowpetung First Nation – a member nation of Treaty 4, located northeast of Regina – have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to work together on projects that combine environmental science and community interests.
Muscowpetung First Nation is keen to get their young people engaged in earth sciences through work and training on environmental projects. As part of their vision, the community is creating an Earth Ambassador program, bringing together the wisdom of Elders and the enthusiasm of youth through the science curriculum in their school. Matrix will have the opportunity to contribute to this program as it develops.
Bea McNaughtan spoke with Phil Anaquod, Business Development lead for Muscowpetung First Nation about a possible field trip the program might include, “imagine Elders, kids and Matrix staff sitting on the banks of the coulee on the reserve, sharing their wisdom, sharing knowledge.” We’ll keep you posted on how Matrix is contributing to this great initiative.