Matrix helps Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation restore section of Little Southwest Miramichi River

On August 16, the Government of Canada announced the completion of the restoration and improvement of a section of the Little Southwest Miramichi River in New Brunswick. The river had experienced significant erosion, at a rate of one to four meters each year. This resulted in significant habitat degradation for Atlantic salmon, American eel and sturgeon populations, and altered water and sediment flow.

Matrix designed and supervised the construction of this important restoration project, working with Metepenagiag First Nation and Anqotum Resource Management to restore the eroding bank. Matrix has trained members of Metepenagiag First Nation to conduct basic geomorphic assessment and monitoring, topographic surveys, aquatic species monitoring, geotextile fabric installation, site safety and security.

Matrix, Metepenagiag First Nation and Anqotum Resource Management worked closely together to develop partnerships with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, New Brunswick Department of Environment and New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture to build trust and develop solid, positive working relationships with government.

Construction began in 2016 and work is expected to be complete at the end of August. Matrix will continue to work with Metepenagiag First Nation and the DFO for the next three to five years to provide guidance, monitoring training and data analysis on the project.


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