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Matrix provides Expert Witness Support for AUC Power Generation Inquiry

wind and solar facilityIn August of 2023 the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) issued an inquiry into the ongoing economic, orderly, and efficient development of electricity generation in Alberta. Module A of the inquiry has been underway over the past few months and has included written submissions from both experts retained by the AUC, as well as members of the general public, municipalities, First Nations, Metis communities, corporations, industry groups, and others.  Some of the topics discussed during Module A include the impact of power plants on specific types or classes of lands, viewscape impacts, and reclamation expectations. 

Matrix Solutions’ Claudia Gomez, Technical Director, Environmental Sciences & Planning, was appointed as an expert witness for Module A, providing both a written submission and participating in the oral hearing held on December 14, 2023. Claudia’s work and testimony focused on issues related to reclamation security and development on agricultural and environmental lands. Determinants for reclamation closure end points, current best practices for mitigating environmental impacts during planning and construction of power plants, and evaluation and inventory of agricultural lands were reviewed. 

If you would like to know more about the work and planning that Matrix currently executes when permitting and planning renewable energy projects, you can view the oral hearing, including Claudia’s contributions at the link below.

Inquiry into the ongoing economic, orderly and efficient development of electricity generation in AB (youtube.com) – Claudia’s testimony begins at 1h 04min.

For any environmental questions on wind and solar development or questions on the activities related to the inquiry, feel free to reach out to the contacts below!


Claudia Gomez, Technical Director, Environmental Sciences & Planning

Delanie Player, Service Director, Western Ecological Services

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