Mediacorp Canada today named Matrix Solutions Inc. among Canada’s Greenest Employers. Canada’s Greenest Employers is a nation-wide competition recognizing companies that create a culture of environmental awareness.
This award recognizes what Matrix is at its core – a company of people who care for the environment and in doing so are creating a sustainable business.
Among the initiatives that led to this recognition, is Matrix’s:
- transit subsidies, secure/sheltered bicycle parking and showers for cyclists
- internal bike-sharing program
- extended recycling program that includes organics, batteries and e-waste
- LEED Gold certified head office that includes rainwater collection and a green roof
Canada’s Greenest Employers is part of Mediacorp Canada’s wider award program, Canada’s Top 100 Employers, under which Matrix has been previously named among Alberta’s Top 70 Employers and Canada’s Top Employers for Young People.