Discovering a Reliable Groundwater Source

Discovering a Reliable Groundwater Source

Discovering a Reliable Groundwater Source MONTNEY AND DUVERNAY PLAYS, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY Our client was in the planning stages of an unconventional oil and gas project and recognized that they needed a reliable water source for their project. OUR ROLE Matrix was...
Bakken Crude Oil Pipeline

Bakken Crude Oil Pipeline

Bakken Crude Oil Pipeline SASKATCHEWAN AND MANITOBA PROJECT SUMMARY Our pipeline client had commitments from oil producers to use their current and prospective pipelines to get Bakken crude oil to market. To achieve this goal, provincial and federal regulatory...
Water Supply for Hydraulic Fracturing

Water Supply for Hydraulic Fracturing

Water Supply for Hydraulic Fracturing NORTHWEST ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY A mid-sized unconventional operator needed to withdraw water to support their hydraulic fracturing drilling program in northwest Alberta. The client hired Matrix to secure the necessary approvals...
Patos-Marinza Oilfield Air Quality Assessment

Patos-Marinza Oilfield Air Quality Assessment

Patos-Marinza Oilfield Air Quality Assessment FIER, ALBANIA PROJECT SUMMARY As an international company doing business in Albania, Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd. needs to conduct air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments to fulfill commitments to the...
Carbon Disclosure Climate Change Program

Carbon Disclosure Climate Change Program

Carbon Disclosure Climate Change Program CALGARY, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a voluntary climate change program that works to reduce companies’ greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change risks. As a participant of this...